(207) 364-3661

56 Rumford Ave, Rumford, ME 04276


Copy and Printing, Fax, & Scan Prices

The cost of Printing & Copies black and white or color prints are .15 cents per page

Faxing (no charge for cover sheet)
First page $1.00
Each additional page .50 cents

Scanning to Email or Flash Drive
First page .50 cents
Each additional page .25 cents

Information and Services

Online requests can be picked up at the front desk up once they arrive. You will be called when it comes in.

  • The public room is available for civic, cultural or educational use. (Seating is approximately 100) If you wish to request time in the public room, there is a form to fill out and submit to the Director. FMI see the Director or call 364-3661. The public room schedule shows room use for the month.
  • Please turn off your cell phone ring or audible alerts in the library. Rings and conversations are distracting to others. You may use your cell phone on the outside steps.
  • During the school year, when school is in session, a Story Time is held Wednesdays at 10 am in the Public Room by the Children’s Librarian for pre-schoolers. There is a story and often music or crafts. Other events include a 4-week Summer Fest with enrichment programs. Summer Reading Club is part of the fun.

Computer Information

  • We have eight public access computers in the library. They are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The signup sheet for computer use is at the front desk. The sheets at the front desk are used to insure fairness of access. There is also a waiting list you can sign if the machines are full. Please be sure to sign up before going to a computer.
  • The machines are Intel-based systems using either Windows XP Pro or Windows 7. There is an Office suite on the machines (Microsoft Office or Open Office). Though not all are Microsoft Office, they all can handle Microsoft Office files. You will also find a graphic program installed, as well as video players. Headphones may be borrowed by producing a valid RPL card.
  • Some computers have CD/DVD burning software and an optical drive capable of making copies of files. Please be aware of any copyright limitations.
  • Internet Explorer is on each machine for browsing the Web. Some also have the Firefox browser.
  • Most machines have front USB ports for “thumb” drives and some have card slots as well.